The compilation of months of planning, labor, meetings, and lots of love and sacrifice by a few people fueled by a vision of agricultural involvement and education in the heart of Warren College at UCSD is partially captured in the photos below. Come out and see the evolving garden for yourself or get involved by contacting Jessica (me) at 858. 733. 0087 or at
~Grateful for our volunteers~
Thank you to Bob Greenamyer of Victory Gardens for his labor, support, and guidance in the process of establishing Earl's Garden.
Thank you to Paul Maschka for viewing the Earl's site, sharing Seeds at City Urban Farm as a model, and offering your expertise.
Thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers who got your hands dirty this summer to have the garden ready for fall quarter. We couldn't have done it without you:
Valerie Sahakian
Fang Liu
Hilary Wilhelm
Mackenzie Moore
~Grateful for our supporters~
Generous funding for the garden was provided by The Green Initiative Fund at UCSD. Thank you TGIF Committee for funding this project and thank you students for your fees.
Thank you to UCSD Housing*Dining*and Hospitality, for their financial and administrative approval, especially Mark Cunningham and Krista Mays for your perpetual support of the garden.
Thank you to Warren Residential Life for partnership with the garden in support of the social area. Special thanks to Claire Palmer who shared her idea of Earl's Garden, that made it become a reality. Thanks also to Chrystal Basil who devoted much time and energy to advice the garden efforts this summer.
We are looking forward to a season of progress and growth in the structure and maintenance of the garden and are excited for our new interns and programing opportunities.
I'll keep updating,
love and happy gardening to you!
Warren College
University of California, San Diego