Thursday, November 25, 2010

Unity Garden Inaugural Planting... a success!

~November 23rd, 2010~
students representing 7 student organizations on campus gathered to plant a Unity Garden in an act of unity to raise awareness about issues of campus climate and participate in common ground efforts to make UCSD even better. We also did art projects and created a collaborative sign for Earl's Garden.

We had a follow-up pizza gathering for volunteers to relax together and get to know one another.

Let's look forward to watching the garden grow together!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Monday, November 22, 2010

preparing for... the UNITY GARDEN!

Keegan and I took another trip to City Farmers and adopted beautiful plants and a very happy Apple tree by the name of Anna to be planted by over 10 student organizations in their new home at Earl's Garden for the Intergroup Tree Planting on November 23rd.

Anna, the Apple Tree :-)

Plants in pots, waiting to let their roots free!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Students Inaugurate “Earl’s Garden” Article

Check out the article written by UCSD's newspaper on Earl's Garden. Thanks to Justin Kauker for writing this piece! Students Inaugurate “Earl’s Garden”

"Walk past the polished windows, concrete paths and sharp angles of Warren
College, cross Voigt drive past the music playing from water polo warm-ups and
turn left into the Goldberg apartments. You’ll find a small patch of dirt, covered with
hay and surrounded by green wire fence. A yellow sign, hand painted, leans against
the fence. “Earl’s Garden” it says. It is a farm no bigger than most front yards. And
yet its founder says it’s one of the most radical food projects UCSD has ever had.
On Sunday, Nov. 7, students gave the garden life as they planted the inaugural crops..."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Earl's Garden Grand Opening!

~November 7th, 2010~
I couldn't have asked for better weather yesterday! It was a perfectly cloudy day for planting. We set up two tables for art projects and another table for fruits, vegetables, and drinks. Warren residents, interested students, and members of various organizations came out to participate in welcoming the new garden to UCSD. There will be many pictures to follow as well as shout outs and mention of the volunteers who planted in the garden and offered their labor of love.

Until then, enjoy some of the photos :-)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Map of Garden in Warren

Hey, all! here's a map of where Earl's Garden is in Warren College. Planting event coming up TOMORROW :-)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thank you! - fava bean donation

Thank you to Brian Pierini of Geisel Library for fava bean donations!
We are grateful for your seed-sharing!

"Fava bans grow slowly but steadily over the “cold” months with very little blossoms, but as soon as spring comes they just explode with seed pods. Of course, this is San Diego, so the weather can change from year to year. The fava plants fix nitrogen, being a legume, and the leaves and stalks can be composted later. (Some cultures even cook the leaves.)"

Intergroup Peace Tree Planting, COMING UP!

Are you a leader in a student org? Would you like your UCSD cultural/religious/political org to get involved with an intergroup tree planting? If so, check out:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mission Statement!

Earl's Garden has a mission statement.. for all formal and informal purposes :-)

The mission of Earl’s Garden is to serve as a peaceful site where visitors and volunteers can connect with nature and grow food alongside one another.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


If you'd like to be added to the Earl's Garden list-serv, please fill out your info on the link HERE!

Thanks friends!

A photo of Keegan at work~

Monday, November 1, 2010

Earl's Garden Seed Planting Day!

Come out and volunteer at Earl's Garden this Sunday, November 7 at Noon and help the sustainable food movement grow at UCSD.

We will be planting some seeds and enjoying a beautiful Sunday afternoon at Earl's Garden in Warren College.

Take a break from studying and enjoy a fun afternoon of gardening with friends!