A happy day of harvesting green onions!
A happy trip to City Farmer's Nursery resulting in a new home for 26 or so lovely plants. One of which is a rangpur lime tree that is already producing :)
A happy day of planting by Kaitlyn Keigharn of San Diego and Honey Rose Sage in the mini-plant garden. (Thank you Kaitlyn)
I want to give a shout to the amazing Earl's Garden intern, Tate Perrine, for her strength, wisdom, and dedication. Without her, I (Jessica), would be a complete mess. She has pulled me through the valley of struggle with keeping the beautiful area that is Earl's Garden alive, and I and the garden are so grateful for her. WE LOVE YOU TATE!
Thanks also to Adrian Tamas, who is writing a USP research paper on community gardens and is using Earl's Garden as a case study. He has created a wonderful survey in order to aid his research and from which the findings will be shared so that we can make the garden a better place for all. The survey can be found here:
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=155893611131549 Thanks also Adrian for making an Earl's Garden email account. (Yes, the garden is gmail account official!) Any future correspondences can be addressed to:
earlsgardenucsd@gmail.com Thanks for your great work Adrian, it's a treat to have your help at the garden.